Friday, June 22, 2007

Silly rabbit...

They can’t tell us
They’re just jealous
‘Cos they don’t understand.

The traveling walkway drones intermittently in the background as I struggle to position my buttocks in the tiny seat so that I can lean back comfortably while taking the weight off my aching left leg. After walking with an embarrassing limp all day, I need some relief.
Looking around me, it’s like I’m already back where I started from. The faces, the voices… I almost know them. I may as well have been sitting at a restaurant in the city. I don’t know whether to be disappointed or pleased at the entirely too familiar surroundings.

A young man in a suit takes a seat at a reasonable distance away from me. Of course, I haven’t given him much of a choice in the matter since I’ve extended my arms to occupy slightly more than three seats. Indians most often tend not to understand the concept of personal space and in fact, perhaps
even without intending to, do exactly the opposite of respecting it. The stretching is a conscious effort at establishing a boundary.
At closer inspection, it isn’t a very good suit. In fact, it isn’t even a suit at all. The trousers are a couple of shades lighter than the jacket and are missing the pin stripes. The shirt and tie do not match either in contrast or colour. He clearly isn’t very used to dressing up. Either that or he just doesn’t know any better. Why don’t they teach dress sense in schools?

I have more than an hour to spare, so I figure that I may as well rest my eyes for a while. It’s been more than a day already.
Then I have to worry about snoring or worse, letting my jaw fall open like a drooling monstrosity. Between maintaining an acceptable facial expression and having to shift in my seat every few minutes, I’m concentrating more on positioning my body rather than relaxing it. This isn’t working.
I open my eyes again and try to drown out the sights and sounds instead of focusing on them. In doing so, I am forced to watch the uncomfortably pleasant old couple making mundane conversation while sharing home made sandwiches from a Tupperware case, in what is apparently a very early breakfast. Sleep drifts from my mind, replaced by cynicism at their seeming contentedness.

Scratch that… before I’m done being cynical, my eyelids begin drooping of their own accord. A little girl skips back and forth across my field of vision every so often to read out the time on the big digital clock to her nervous mother; her shiny red shoes bouncing off the carpet, prolonging my lingering state of consciousness.
In the days of innocence I knew a girl named Dorothy…

Tomoyasu Hotei – Battle Without Honor or Humanity
Gheorghe Zamfir – The Lonely Shepherd

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Stupid, stupid, stupid. Barely literate motherfuckers, screwing the country out of a step in the right direction. The GOVERNMENT wants to ban the sale of condoms… well, A condom anyway.

I was surprised to discover that they actually manufacture and retail cool stuff like this here – it’s a ribbed condom with a battery powered vibrating ring. So what do the backward scum running this particular state do? Call for a ban on the product… it’s a sex toy and apparently sex toys are “tainted portions of western culture that we can do without.” Stupid sons of bitches.

In this goddam country with too many goddam people who just can’t stop squirting out more people, anything that puts the brakes on the population rise is as good as a gift from the gods. Shit, they should start giving them away in promotionals on the street! But instead of realizing that this will encourage men to slip on a rubber before banging, these no-brain dipshits choose to reject it.

Pricks, this “tainted culture” was the need of the hour right when your mommas couldn’t keep their legs together long enough to stop the foundations of your asses being laid.
But this country has always been too damn stupid to understand that more kids mean more mouths to feed and less space to live in. Instead it has always seen the picture as more kids mean more sources of income to the family. And then comes female foeticide, while illiteracy continues to compound the problem.

I feel sorry for the children. They are born into a country with an old tradition of stupidity that passes down from generation to generation and before they know it they’ve inherited the stupidity and begun passing brain cells in their daily excrement.

More ridiculosity?? They want to ban a social networking site throughout the country.
Why? Religious and political sentiments. Damn… if I had a buck for every time some new pretender mouths off on this religious/political/patriotic/bullshit bullshit, I would never finish calculating how rich I had become.
An unfortunate side effect of Google, is frequented by an enormous number of users largely including South Asians with too much time and too little brainage. Accepted, the site is a pain in the ass and that is pretty much how I feel about all “social networking” websites. But if you want to block out a site, at least want it for the right reason.

Dickheads, this website, as with all “social networking” sites, is a haven for voyeuristic perverts. Know this. Screw your faux religious sentiment and screw your fake nationalist pride. When too many people begin to use public forums for slander, mis-representation and invasion of privacy as a means to feed their fetishes and frustrations, THAT is a valid reason to want to block.

If you can’t stop the pervs from peeping through the hole, you take away the hole.

I’m going to build me an ark and pray for rain. The country has been taking an incessant dump on itself (however the hell that is possible) and it’s about time someone hit the flush.